Practice Page 🙂

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We offer regular Workshops and Study Courses to deepen your experience and understanding of Yoga and Meditation.


Yoga Workshops and Courses

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From Distraction to Awareness

The Goose Green Clinic, 10am-4.30pm, 2nd Dec 2017

Yoga workshop with Janet Evans and Geoff Farrer. This workshop will focus on teachings from the Yogasutras of Patanjali showing us that by taking action through yoga practice, self-observation and cultivating a positive attitude towards ourselves we can create positive change and transform the mind from agitation to peace.

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Midwinter Chant Gathering

The Goose Green Clinic, 2-4pm, 3rd Dec 2017, free

An afternoon of chanting with Janet Evans for the simple pleasure of getting together and uniting through sound. Join us and celebrate winter. Guaranteed to uplift and feel good.

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Mind, Body and Movement

Yoga Point, Brixton, 2-5pm, 7th Jan 2018

Half-day Workshop with Janet Evans and Jonathan Clark. We are offering an afternoon of yoga and meditation. Exploring experience of mind, body and feelings to develop greater clarity, calm and self-awareness.

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Meditation Workshops and Courses

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MBSR Course

The Goose Green Clinic
19.30 – 21.30 from 1st to 29th March, 1 day workshop Sunday 11th March from 11.30 – 17.30

Mindfulness-based approaches to stress relief have helped millions of people overcome the effects of stress and anxiety and find peace of mind in a busy world. On this 16 hour introductory course, made up of 5 evenings and a one day workshop, you will learn simple skills to manage stress and develop greater inner calm and stability. There will be lots of space for discussion and personal exploration.

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Mind, Body and Movement

Yoga Point, Brixton, 2-5pm, 7th Jan 2018

Half-day Workshop with Janet Evans and Jonathan Clark. We are offering an afternoon of yoga and meditation. Exploring experience of mind, body and feelings to develop greater clarity, calm and self-awareness.

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Yogajanam mindfulness

Janet and Jonathan run Yoga and Meditation Workshops together and two Yoga and Meditation Weekend Retreats each year in Bedfordshire download flyer. They also run two 7 day Yoga and Meditation holidays in Tuscany each summer download flyer.


Plans are also afoot for a retreat in Kerala, India, in January 2019.


To book a place, please contact us.