
Yogajanam icon yellow

Viniyoga is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning ‘appropriate application’. Yogajanam offers a transmission of the teachings of Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar.

Yogajanam class breathe
Yogajanam pigeon

Characteristics of Viniyoga include:

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Careful attention and precise application of the breath
Adaptation of postures to suit personal need
Dynamic and static posture work
Careful sequencing of postures

Janet Evans

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Yogajanam Janet Evans

Our yoga is taught by Janet Evans.


Janet has been practising yoga since the 1980s and teaching yoga full time since 1996. She is a registered AYS, TSYP and CYS teacher and is qualified through The British Wheel of Yoga as a teacher and trainer and also teaches for Sadhana Mala. She was trained by Paul Harvey completing his 4 year teacher training course and 2 year postgraduate diploma.

She is qualified through the BWY to teach children and Pregnancy yoga and has a diploma in Ayurveda. She studied for 25 years with Pamela Tyson and now continues to work with R. Sriram, Sylviane Gianina and Ranju Roy of Sadhana Mala. Janet has recently completed the Sadhana Mala/Yoga Nidhi Vedic Chant teacher training with Sheela Shankar.

Classes and Training

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All general group classes are held at Home Studio, East Dulwich.


Small groups on Mondays and Tuesdays in termly blocks. Drop-ins are available if spaces.


Classes are blended, in person and online/Zoom.


One to One classes are tailored to individual needs and include a free initial consultation. Address specific requirements as a more personal approach to yoga practice. Ideal for anyone with particular needs or yoga students simply wishing to deepen their practice of asana/pranayama/meditation. Weekdays and weekends (including Sundays) by appointment.

Yogajanam chant

Vedic Chanting is taught 1:1 and in workshops. A monthly Chant Sangha is hosted by Janet in East Dulwich.


We offer regular Workshops and Study Courses to deepen your understanding of yoga and Viniyoga, and enable more immersion in yoga practice. We also run Holidays and Retreats outside London. These are a lovely way to escape the stresses and strains of daily life while deepening your experience of yoga.

Yogajanam class child's pose

Special Needs  Short courses and workshops can be arranged for people with learning difficulties/mental health issues.


Teenagers and Children  Short courses and workshops can be arranged for children and teenagers aged between 4 and 18.


Classes in the Workplace  Short courses and workshops can be arranged for individuals or small groups.


Restorative classes can be arranged for those recovering from illness or requiring a very gentle practice.

Yogajanam Janet Evans